1993年9月2日 星期四

Paradigm Shift? Indigenous Media and Development in the Southeast Asian Context.

    Paradigm Shift? Indigenous Media and Development in the Southeast Asian Context.

    Juanillo, Napoleon K. Jr
    Scherer, Clifford W.

    Asian Journal of Communication; 1993, Vol. 3, Issue 2, p1-29, 29p


Indigenous media in development communication have spawned significant attention and praise. As heralded by many communicators, indigenous media will pave the way for an authentic dialogue among people on issues that affect their lives and impact on their future. But are the philosophical‐conceptual principles concerning the role of indigenous media in development substantiated by prevailing applications and evidence? Are indigenous media in development truly indicative of a shift in development thinking? Or are they merely romanticized devices in the ideological battle against the so‐called ‘imperialistic’ big media? This article reexamines and analyses the claims and assumptions about indigenous media based on a number of experiences in the Philippines and Indonesia. It is not a criticism of indigenous media, per se. Rather it hopes to spur further reflection and exploration on the issues, constraints, and contradictions of indigenous media in development. Only through this process of self‐criticism can we expect to identify the possibilities that indigenous media can offer towards interactive communication. After all paradigm shifts are engendered by those who choose to be on‐guard—critically questioning, assessing, and reflecting on the contributions and possible obstacles they may have created.

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