Alternative Media in Suburban Plantation Culture
- University of California Los Angeles,
doi: 10.1177/01634437030255005 Media Culture Society September 2003 vol. 25 no. 5 647-667
This article reconsiders the concept of
`alternative media', and describes a set of alternative
media projects
produced over six years in and around migrant farm
worker camps in southern California. The media projects
described here (small-format videos
within marginalized labor communities), challenge assumptions about
media' on three levels - as a theoretical concept,
as media practice and as a political project. The article
argues the need to attend to the complex spatial
and institutional contexts that inflect and complicate
local alternative media project.
This examination of how the lived spaces of the migrant camps are both
avowed and effaced by local residents and
contractors underscores the tortured logic of the region.
The study
reveals not just how the landed status quo
organizes workers lives as parts of its `scenic'
landscape. It also
describes how indigenous `Mixteco'
labor organizers simultaneously work to exploit and resist the same
conditions. Occupying semi-public contact-zones and
no-man's lands (legally ambiguous spaces), provides
with a material beach-head from which to claim
other rights that have more legal teeth (including fair
health and safety, and civil rights
laws). Compared to the conventional video forms the
set out to produce, these practices suggested that
migrants' unauthorized occupation of space is a
form of `alternative media' in its
own right; a transnational community response to policies of
and `free-trade'.
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