2010年8月1日 星期日

Framing Latinas: Hispanic women through the lenses of Spanish-language and English-language news media

Framing Latinas: Hispanic women through the lenses of Spanish-language and English-language news media


  1. Teresa Correa
    1. University of Texas at Austin, USA, tcorrea@mail.utexas.edu


 doi: 10.1177/1464884910367597

  Journalism vol. 11 no. 4 425-443


It is argued that the media’s tendency to stereotype minority groups is due, in part, to a weak identification with them. This study compared the frames used by the Miami Herald (MH), an English-language newspaper targeted to general audiences, and El Nuevo Herald (ENH), its Spanish-language counterpart targeted to Hispanics, to explore whether the stronger media identification with the audience affects the type of frames used to depict Latinas. Using framing as a theoretical framework, this investigation found that the MH emphasized the individual achievements of successful women and described them as a new profitable market. ENH highlighted the family sacrifices of successful females and depicted them as family-devoted and sensual. As a result, the greater cultural identification with the audience may avoid manifest negative stereotypes but embrace pan-ethnic stereotypes that, eventually, may become harmful because they contribute to the homogenization and racialization of a group such as Latinas. 


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